Miley Cyrus Life

Miley Cyrus, his real name, "Destiny Hope Cyrus", changed his name with the court decision in 1992 and his name became "Miley Ray Cyrus".

American actress and singer. Miley Cyrus Disney has become famous for his role in Hannah Montana in a television series.

The daughter of the Lijeria Tish and Billy Ray Cyrus. He has two stepbrothers who played in the rock group and a stepman named Brandy.

a brother named Braison and a sister named Noah.

Mother and father say good to the fate "Destiny Hope" named, Turkish "fate hope" means.

Hannah Montana, which he played in 2011, is over. Miley Cyrus collected the best songs in an album in an album and was thrown into the music market.

The most famous song of Miley Cyrus in the United States can be watched below. "Party in the usa"

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Dilay akkoca

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Kendini destiny hope cyrus diye tanıtan kişiye :

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