What are Lice Drugs

Lice, to be protected from lice becomes the fearful dream of all parents who go to school.

Lice is much more common in children of primary school age. Especially children do not know the full cleaning rules to apply their fatty hands to the head or a friend who is lice to give a friend without care. It is such a parasite that once he lays 80-90 eggs when he is laying on 80-90 eggs. In other words, the hair should be combed from the bottom to the bottom of the hair with a comb of frequent tooth and this process should be repeated twice a week until the end of the hair. It is not as difficult to talk about bitten. Especially in the primary school, it provides great benefit to the teachers in the primary school. You will have blocked.


Bits may not only be on the hair.

bit shampoos


dura nyt




Okula giden çocuğumu bitten nasıl korurum

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