Dictionaries list

Puan: 10 out of 10 | Oy veren : 1 kişi. | Toplam Puan: 10.

Online dictionaries that have emerged on the Internet in recent years is an additional dictionary and ITU dictionary, a flow like a pearl dictionary.

It is very easy to be a member of dictionaries and write. Since the content is rich, dictionaries go out very quickly in Google searches and pollute the Internet. I say polluting because there is no internal audit mechanism in the dictionaries, the writers can move stray and rudely. Curses that will not be taken to the mouth thanks to Google dictionaries to our house. These dictionaries have been the subject of various cases due to their political writings and are still the subject of lawsuit. The dictionaries opened by student groups in universities are called by the name of the relevant university.

Here are the main dictionaries:

  • www.eksisozluk.com
  • www.uludagsozluk.com
  • www.itusozluk.com
  • pearl.sozlukspot.com
  • www.sozluk.net
  • www.yildizsozluk.com

Warning: Dictionaries contain blasphemy and slang

sour dictionary, itü dictionary, serious dictionary yorumlar (0) 2012-01-26 14:41:33, Güzel: 0 , Kötü: 0

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