CNC Router Price

CNC Router Prices can be at different prices depending on the motor power and the power of the transaction.

CNC prices vary between 10,000 TL and 50.000 TL.

As an example:

1.5 W power, xyz -axis aluminum body cutting area 750mm x 750mm is a CNC 8.200 pounds;

Steel profile with a cut area of ​​2100 x 4000 mm, is a CNC 50.000 lira price with MDF table.

For this reason, the objectives to be used before looking at the price when buying CNC, the material hardness and width of the cut should be known clearly. Maybe if you try to get CNC with estimated accounts because we will do a bigger job in the future, you will have to get a unnecessary high -priced CNC.

In addition, if it is to be used for smaller purposes, table top stalls called mini cnc can be taken, prices are low as 2,000 pounds, but the price varies according to the power and the material to be cut.

CNC Router Fiyatları

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