Ahmet Enes Songs 2013-2014

Come back

Come back
is flowing, passing, going days
Return for no reason
My belief for tomorrow, my stagnant life
hoping, remembering, waiting, even human
While you laugh with you, now I have been without reason
How can you wake up every morning and hurt me
come with flowers, songs
Git if you go
maybe you will be alone with yourself
you hurt this man deeply
flowers, the songs jealous
ah you
those nights for my loneliness for my blood
come back love a huge lie
You are at the end of every road The remaining
can you understand me then
How much was defeated, how much this man loved.

Ahmet Enes Pictures

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Önceki cevap: Huzur Sokağı New Season Start Time Sonraki Cevap: Ahmet Enes Paradise Song Mp3