How much money do the series players earn

Television series of the most winning series actors are the leading actors. 20 %of the earnings of a series of films are fees of the leading actor. These players per episode in the series earn between 8 thousand and 35 thousand.

The fees earned by the series team;

Director 7 thousand to 30 thousand TL

screenwriter 7 thousand to 20 thousand TL

Musician 4 thousand to 15 thousand TL

Assistant Director: Between a thousand and 5 thousand TL

leading actor: 8 thousand to 50 thousand TL

middle player: 6 thousand to 15 thousand TL

New Player: 3 thousand to 5 thousand TL

Dialogue player: between 100 TL and 750 TL

Agency Dialogue Player: Between 100 TL and 300 TL

Agency image figure: 75 to 100 TL

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