How old is Hülya Avşar

Puan: 10 out of 10 | Oy veren : 1 kişi. | Toplam Puan: 10.

Hulya Avşar when it is said to be a wonderful beauty in the youth of the men who have a wonderful beauty of men and the heart of the beautiful blue -eyed beautiful woman who plays their hearts. He is a smart woman as much as we cannot finish with counting the great works one by one.

Hülya Avşar was born on October 10, 1963 in Balıkesir Edremit. The crown of Hülya Avşar, who was heard that he was married and left, was taken away after 1 day. He has made many innovations.

Hülya Avşar is currently leaving many young artists and actors behind her advanced age.

Hülya Avşar is currently 50 years old.

Hülya Avşar Pictures

Hülya Avşar Photos yorumlar (1) 2013-04-30 09:36:25, Güzel: 4 , Kötü: 4

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