What is the meaning of democracy

Democracy is a form of government that all citizens have equal right to speak about the state policy.

Greek dimocratia (ie dimos, people, society, that is, Kratos, power) is derived from the words.

It came to Turkish from the French word democratie. Although it is mostly known as a form of state government, universities, workers and boss organizations and some civilian institutions and organizations can be managed by democracy. Philosophers in ancient Greece, the main home of democracy (such as Aristotle and Eflatun), criticized democracy, and at that time, humiliating concepts such as "simple people's management" were used.

However, democracy has become the most widely used form of government administration by standing out of other forms of government. Now political scientists have been discussed which system is better than which system is better.

The meaning of democracy is still being discussed today. The reason for this is that the people who want to justify their views should be a process to justify themselves in the form of "democracy requires" or "the right democracy is what we do."

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