Türkiye is going to the European Union

Türkiye wants to become a member of the European Union. European membership for Turkey wider freedom and Democracy will bring.

However, in the way of becoming a member of the European Union, Turkey's national income and privatization are under the name of privatization; It is not right to relieve the institutions that are impossible to harm. These are only fluttering to save the day.

Although the Turkish nation is silent in this situation, everyone is aware of this. He does not prefer to react and make a sound because he has respect for the state.

From the farmer in a village to the intellectual intellectuals in the city, the whole people follow the government. In the elections, the government grades. The 2002 elections are the best example of this. The Motherland Party and the Right Road Party, who dreamed of establishing a government again, could not even pass the dam, and the party leaders had to resign and leave politics.

Türkiye Nereye Gidiyor

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