How to find a listening device

Small Listening devices and mini video cameras called insects.

With the development of technology, these devices are named as small as much as insect. Some of the camera varieties are made in pen, keychain, jacket button and glasses lengths. It is difficult by calling the listening device.

Chinese and Japanese insects to find small search devices in China. The electronic insect search device is also in size to fit into the palm and can detect all kinds of electronic devices.

If you have any suspicion of any insect devices in your home or workplace, you can easily find it with mini -search devices that are not too expensive.

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Yılmaz Demir

Konuyla ilgili benimde dinlendiğimle ilgili şüphelerim vardı. Bi firmadan böcek bulma cihazı aldım. nohut kdar bi cihazla aylarca dinlemişler tabi kim dinlediğini bilemiyorum ama en azındandinlenilmekten kurtuldum ve cihazı yanımdan ayırmıyorum artık. ilgilenen varsa ürünü aldığım firmanın adresini veriyorum. Saygılar.



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