How to make kemençe

Kemençe is a 3 -wire instrument played in the Eastern Black Sea region in our country, which has species such as classic kemençe and Black Sea kemençesi. Especially in Giresun, Trabzon, Rize, Artvin, Ordu, Gumushane and Sivas. It is also thought that the violin -like violin is related to violin -type instruments.

Requirements according to types

1. Classic Kemençe: It is a stringed instrument used in classical Turkish music played with nails. While the right hand is held by the right hand, the curtains are stolen with the left. The 3 wire found in the kemenç are the most pestented tize towards the tize. It varies in terms of both sound and the area where it is used.

2. Black Sea Kemençesi: Kemençe, which is a Turkish Folk Music instrument, is a widely used and known type of kemençe in our country. It is named with bam wire, deaf wire and bell wire, respectively, from the thick to the thick of the 3 wires found in the kemençe.

Kemençe Making

The most suitable trees for kemençe are mulberry, walnuts and alder.

  • For thick voice kemençeler, plums, cherries, lands such as land,
  • Juniper and similar trees for medium voice kemençes,
  • For thin voice kemençe pear, quince, oranges, apples, beech, cypresses are suitable.

The reason why the body of the kemençe is made of trees such as mulberry, juniper, plum, apricot is that the sound timbre is higher. The lid of the kemenç is made of the spruce tree, and if the lid is thin, thick sound is obtained and if the lid is thick, thin sound is obtained. Kemençe is curtainless and all kinds of melodies can be played with kemenç. According to

type and structure, the construction time, which lasts between 3 and 15 days, is a craft work carved by hand. Kemençe is of particular importance because of our important culture and art value of this land.

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