How to get into the book of records

In order to enter the book of Records, it is necessary to enter the site at guiness world and fill the form in the record section.

In the form, you will be asked for your e-mail address, and after registering the form, the confirmation message comes to the e-mail address you specify and you will confirm it by accepting it, so your application will be registered in the system. Then you will come to an electronic mail that includes the reference number. Do not lose this number and you will use this number in every link you will install. In the annex of this electronic mail, there is a package prepared for record breaks. This e -mail will be sent back to you within one and five working days.

In the package prepared for record breaks immediately after the application is lined up, you will see the record attempt agreement. You must read, sign this agreement and send it back with the methods specified in electronic mail. Nobody will contact you until this process is completed. After receiving the agreement, it will take approximately 4-6 weeks to investigate and evaluate your record proposal by experts.

After the decision is made, an electronic mail will be sent to you. This electronic mail will also come in the form of one of the following;

a) Rejection of your suggestion- and when possible, the details of the justification of our decision.

c) Your suggestion is similar to a previously created category, a new record offer.

After the approval message mentioned above, you will be contacted.

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