Roman numbers are written in the form of I and V. In larger letters, letters such as C, M, D are also used. The same number is not written 4 times when writing Roman figures. Instead, the decrease method is used. For example: III = 3 is not written in the form of IIII = 4. 4 = 5-1 is written in the form, the number on the left is decreased. right: IV = 4 s 0.5 (half) (Latin; semis)
I - 1
I 1 (one) (Latin; unus)
v 5 (five) (Latin; quinque)
x 10 (on) (Latin; Decem)
L 50 (fifty) (Latin; Quinquaginta)
C 100 (face) (Latin; Centum)
D 500 (five hundred) (Latin; Quingenti)
m 1000 (thousand) (thousand) (thousand) Latin; Mille)
II - 2
III - 3
IV - 4
V - 5
VI - 6
VII - 7
VIII - 8
IX - 9
x - 10
XI - 11
< BR> XII - 12
XIII - 13
XIV - 14
XV - 15
XVI - 16
XVII - 17
XVIII - 18
XIX - 19
xx - 20
xxx - 30
xl - 40
> L - 50
LX - 60
LXX - 70
lxxx - 80
XC - 90
C - 100 < Br>
CC - 200
CCC - 300
CD - 400
D - 500
DC - 600
DCC - 700
DCC - 800
cm - 900
m - 1000
Roman figures abbreviation yorumlar (0) 2013-02-10 11:36:58, Güzel: 0 , Kötü: 1
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