Cancer Treatment Ways

What is cancer

Cancer is a disease caused by deterioration in cells. The cancer cell disrupts other cells in the surrounding area, so some types of cancer are spread very quickly and dangerous.

How cancer occurs

Cancer occurs especially due to radioactive rays that will disrupt the cell structure. In addition, there is a possibility that weak people and people with cancer patients in their family will be seen again. It is known that diseases such as skin cancer are caused by the harmful effects of the sun.

What are cancer treatments

Early diagnosis and treatment is very important in cancer. Because every day, the number of cancer cells should be treated before it is late because it is increasing and spread. Since the cancer cell is not a foreign substance in the body, the defense system does not fight it. Body defense system and white blood cells for treatment are useless. The main treatment methods in the form of external intervention are as follows:

  • Removing cancer cells by surgery
  • Radiation to cancer cells by giving radiation (radiotherapy)
  • Drug killing of cancer cells (chemotherapy)
  • Herbal Treatment Methods
  • It has been seen that the morale and fun passes through spontaneously.

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