What is Twıtter

Founded in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, a American software architect and businessman. Twitter, which is one of the most popular social media communication tools and used in many countries of the world, can be used in Turkish as of April 25, 2011.

Who is on Twitter?

Today, from many professional groups to celebrities on Twitter, there are individuals of different beliefs, all kinds of age and gender, as well as individuals from every country where the internet can reach from companies to opinion leaders.

What are the abbreviations used on Twitter?

Tweet: 140 character text writing tool. You can also support with photos, videos and links.

Reply: It is the comment you wrote to another Twitter user's tweet. The whole chat can be reached from the Show Chat section below your tweet. In addition, the person you write can see your answer from the following and interactions section.

Retweet (RT): The tweet of another Twitter user to see your followers to see. When you press the retweet key under the tweet, they appear on your profile and on the followers of the followers who follow you.

Favorites: You or another Twitter user's favorite tweets.

hashtag (#): They are the title words consisting of words and phrases used to identify and distinguish a particular subject on Twitter. When you write the word or word group next to the # sign you want to search for the issue without leaving a gap, all tweets will be listed according to the ranking.

Fololowers: They are the ones who follow you on Twitter. Each tweet you write falls instantly on their pages.

Following: The people you follow on twitter. The tweets and retweets they have shown appear on your homepage.

Phenomenon: They are people who have reached large audiences on twitter and are followed with interest. Some of these people may not follow some of you while following you.

Who should follow: A list of suggestions that show people you can choose to follow through an algorithm offered by twitter.

Trending Topic (TT): The 10 most talked about subjects on the bottom left of the Twitter home page are called current issues where it is listed.

Turkey Agenda: Regional Tats sent by the users in Turkey, thanks to the two -trendy topic issues showing the topics of the Trend Topic on Twitter. (Each country has its own trend topic list.)

World Agenda: Agenda issues that show the most spoken issues worldwide.

B> Lists: These lists you can create on Twitter helps you group people. You can keep your lists to see and subscribe to yourself as well as lock and keep it for yourself. BB>

< > < > B> < B> It is the place where you can see the tweets mentioned. BB> < BB>

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