You can reach Gökçeada ferry from Kabatepe harbor junction 4 km before coming to Istanbul, Tekirdağ, Gallipoli Peninsula and then to Eceabat.
When you come from the south, you can reach Gökçeada with a car ferry when you reach the Çanakkale Pier by following the coast by following the road to İzmir, Ayvalık, Edremit.
After boarding the ferry from Kabatepe, you can reach Gökçeada after a 90 -minute sea journey.
Gokceadaya on the way to the car ferry, the sooner you go to your benefit is because of this is due to the transportation of the island, especially in summer. Gökçe is the island instead of your own vehicle. The bus regularly leaves the bus from Çanakkale at certain times of the day.
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