What does complex (complex) mean?

What does complex (complex) mean?

The concept of complex number is the number space, including real numbers, which cannot be defined by real numbers when the square root of a negative number is taken. (-1) to be "i" of the number of the number

z = (a+bi)

A real b of the complex number written in the form of a virtual part is expressed. In the case of B = 0, Z = A The complex number defines a real number. In this case, real numbers are an element of the complex numbers set and the virtual part is equal to zero. Complex numbers define a plane, so that the XY plane for a complex number defined as z = x + is determined in the coordinate plane of the complex number.

Z = a + ib form of the complex number is defined as z = a - ib. According to this definition, it is defined as the length of the absolute value of a complex number, and this length, absolute value is calculated as the square root of the multiplication of the complex number.

Komplex sayı nedir

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