University Education Prices in England

Students who are studying at the university in the UK are entitled to 20 hours on weekdays and full work permission during the holidays. Students who have been educated for more than 6 months in the United States can receive free health care within the National Health Service Insurance.

university education in England 3 years and 1 year in graduate education.

Sections where licensing degrees in England are given

Social Sciences




How to apply to the university in England?

England and Turkey education program is very different from each other when the application is made only high school diploma is not enough.

In one of the British Higher Education Institutions, those who have completed the one -year preparation course are accepted as a bachelor's dervish.

A-Level or a equivalent exam is a passing grade.

To get enough notes from English exams that prove English competence

English proficiency and high school grades, along with the students' references from the teachers have a lot of effect.

The application of university education in England starts 1 year ago. Applications should be made between September and 30 June.

In the UK annual What are the training costs

Foundation 3000-10.000 pounds

Academic Year 5000 15,000 pounds

Accommodation 3000 9000 pounds

Life expenses (such as food, transportation, health, social expenditures) 2200 7000 pounds

Total costs are between 12000 pounds and £ 35000.

UK Universities

Anglia Ruskin University

Bournemouth University

Birmingham City University

Coventry University

University of East Anglia

University of East London

University of Essex

Huron University USA in London

University of Leeds

London Metropolitan University

Middlesex University

Oxford Brookes University

University of Portsmouth

University of Salford

Southampton Solent University

Sunderland University

University of Surrey

Thames Valley University

Heriot Watt University

Keele University

Lancaster University

Liverpool John Moores University

University of Huddersfield

University of Leicester

University of Stirling

University of Sussex

Wales International Study Center

İngiltere üniversite fiyatları

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