Our hair is sparse, except for genetic reasons, it is completely caused by our quality of life. If we do not have any health problems, we should not smell it.
We need to know the source of the problem first to restore our hair. If we do not receive enough permeability, we should establish a diet in accordance with these vitamins and minerals. We should make natural hair masks. We should not use any chemical care mask. Hair loss is normal for men over 35 years of age, if you are experiencing trouble, consult your skin doctor before buying any product.
Natural care masks to make our hair as well as important for the health of our budget does not shake our budget.
Indian oil mask
Massage our hair with this oil to our hair bottoms.Egg Mask
1 egg yolk, 2 tablespoons of almond oil and 1 clove of garlic and then apply to our hair and wait 30 minutes.
Olive Oil
3 tablespoons of olive oil heated and massage the bottom of our hair by applying the hot water moisturized towel in a way that our hair will not take air.
Nourishing mask
1yyumurta yellow, 1 tea cup brewed tea, 2 tablespoons of almond oil, 1-2 drops of lemon juice mix. Massage to our root root, apply for 15-20 minutes.
mask for oily hair
Lemon shells, mint and lemon grass into boiled water and boil for half an hour. We add half a cup of apple cider vinegar to this mixture.
Mask for bright hair
Ingredients: 1portacal, 1.5 tablespoons honey, 1-2 drops of sandalwood oil
Preparation: Orange juice, sandalwood oil, water and honey mix. After washing our hair with shampoo, we use this water in rinsing.
For worn hair
1 Banana, 2-3 drops almond oil
Preparation: Mix the bananas with Bağdem Yapı and massage our hair root. After waiting for 15-20 minutes, we rinse with mineral water.
Mask for dry hair
1.5 tablespoons honey, half a cup of oil milk
Preparation: Honey and milk thoroughly mix and massage our hair by massaging 15 -20min after waiting for 15 -20min.
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