What should I do to quit smoking

If you want to quit smoking and you believe it, you will definitely find a suitable method for yourself. This method will achieve this whether you are on your own or with the help of an expert person.

1-Smoking with your own self-will:

  • Believe in yourself and trust: the most important start, you know you can achieve.
  • List the damages caused by the cigarette: difficulty in climbing stairs, not getting tastes from food, spreading bad smells around you, yellowing in teeth, damaging your budget, a poor quality and unhealthy life ...
  • Remind yourself how much damage to your health: Risk of cancer, low risk of pregnant women and intelligence retardation in their babies, impotence for men, heart attack risk, blood pressure rise and a lot of diseases risks. li>
  • Change your layout: move away from situations that lead you to smoking or replace. For example, did you drink cigarettes immediately after eating, then get your food eats from that table.
  • Don't postpone it at a time as soon as possible: the moment you intend to quit smoking, let it be in the middle or evening. Do not have to wait for the beginning or Monday of the month. You will enjoy the change in your life after you get through the first week.
  • Give yourself to a physical effort to keep your head away from cigarettes: the best of these is to do sports. You can also go into jobs such as gardening, arrangeing your home.
  • When you think of cigarettes, note the clock: then motivate yourself when you see this impulse gradually decreased.
  • Tell people around you that you quit smoking: quitting smoking is a success.
  • Reward yourself: Reward the money you spend on cigarettes and time by taking something to yourself and spending time with your loved ones.
  • If you enter the cigarette crisis, try to relax yourself: for example, abandon your environment temporarily, take short walks, focus on another job. Snack with low -calorie foods.
  • For plenty of water and take a shower frequently. Water relieves you and removes from the stress of cigarettes.

2- Cessation Methods with Help:

  • Akapunkur Treatment: Acupuncture treatment can eliminate your deprivation of cigarettes in the first days. You need to go 2-3 sessions depending on the dependence level. There are an average of 2-3 days between each session. With a success rate of up to 90 %, Akapunkur treatment is preferred by many people. Prices also coincide with a amount of a Tirkay's monthly cigarette money.
  • 171 Smoking Calling Line: 171 Smoking cessation line is called to the outpatient clinic in your area and you pass through free tektitis. You can quit smoking by taking doctors' appropriate medicine for you.
  • Hypnosis Method: Hypnosis and traces of habits that cause cigarette drinking are erased from the subconscious. With this method, which takes about 5 sessions, you can stop nervous and stress -free cigarettes. The success rate reaches 90 %.
  • Bioresonance Method: The frequency marks of the cigarette you drink with this one -session method are detected by electromagnetic vibrations. With this session that lasts 45 minutes, the traces of cigarettes are cleaned from your body. This method, which creates a decrease in smoking desire, is one of the preferred methods recently.
  • Allan Carr Method: In this method that lasts a single session, the session time consists of a 6 -hour psychotherapy. You can smoke during the session. But in the last stage of the session, they say that you will drink your last cigarette. Those who guarantee that you will quit smoking in 3 months also offer a refund guarantee.

In addition to these methods, nicotine gum and electronic cigarettes are also presented to smokers. Since these methods do not have high success rates, we are only beneficial to share it for information purposes.

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