Natural herbal treatments with blood thinning

How many of us can benefit from the blessings offered by nature or nature. You know that the treatment of many diseases that we think can only be a remedy with drug treatments is actually presented to us.

Blood coagulation of the vessels of the vessels is the biggest problem of most people. Damar blockage is the beginning of many diseases. Generally, people who use cigarettes and alcohol more appear more. Blood -thinning has many herbal treatments. These plants are quantoron, horse chestnut, nettle, rosehip, fennel, pear, sunflower oil, rye seed, linden, karaturp, lemonsuyu, grapefruit, orange, greenbiber, garlic, onion, grocery .

Blood thinning and therapeutic for vascular blockage

2 liters of lemon juice

40 cloves of garlic

2 liters of lemon juice into 40 cloves of garlic will be crushed.Lemon juice glass jar or glass bottle wrapped around the dry and dark place will remain in a dry and dark place. You will see that garlic melts and disappears. If you can drink half a cup of tea on an empty stomach, 1 tea glass of lemon juice will be drunk. It is also a special formula applied in patients with vascular stiffness.

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