How does the ballpoint pen stain out of the fabric

Ballpoint pen stain? "Oops !" We say, but we do not say that there is no solution of course there is the simplest way to remove the ballpoint pen stain. No matter how much we pay attention, it can be in some way.

Vinegar is a definite result for the ballpoint pen stain. We apply vinegar to the stained area in this vinegar, a panacea reduces fever in every trouble, has a weakening effect. Now try to believe that it is a bit difficult to believe and try the vinegar for the stained area with a widespread coarse sheep, or a cloth with the help of a cloth vinegar cotton or cloth press without pulling our hands without pulling our hands until the stain is cleaned. It will disappear with vinegar.

Another solution is the hair spray we use for our hair. It is quite simple and easy to apply the spray.

We remove the ink stain when the easiest poured. A long -waited ballpoint pen stain does not come out. In the most important rule we need to know, a fabric with ink stains is never washing with hot water. The temperature will cause the stain to work in laundry and not to come out again.

There are some stain removers produced specially for this business. It can be found in markets.

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