In order for your skin care to be smooth, the first rule of cleaning is the first rule of cleaning.
We need to do skin cleaning daily. Gels and lotions are more suitable for oily skin. Microfiber fabrics specially produced for peeling specially produced for cleaning are very effective in skin cleaning. Masks or cures add vitality to the natural appearance of the skin, give vitality and shine to the person's skin.
Skin Masks
parsley mask: half a bunch of parsley is boiled and left to cool. You can clean your face in the morning and evening with cold parsley juice.
Cucumber mask: grate cucumbers.
chamomile mask: boil a tablespoon chamomile in 1 cup of water and let it brew and clean your skin with cotton after warming.
Milk Mask: 1 tablespoon lean milk, 1 egg whites, half a teaspoon of honey is mixed in a bowl and beaten until the cream is whipped. PP>
Honey mask: 1 teaspoon of honey, 1/2limon juice, 1 tablespoon of olive oil honey, lemon juice, olive oil is mixed and applied to the face.
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