Surah Ihlas Turkish Meaning

Surat al -Ihlas descended in Mecca 4 verse.

Meaning of Surah Ihlas;

1- Say; He is one of Allah.
2-Allah is Samed.
3-O did not give birth and did not born.
4-No equivalent.

For the person who reads the surah of Ihlas, the Holy Quran seems to have read the quarter of the Kerim.

Benefits of Surah Ihlas

When repeated 11 times after the morning prayer, that day stays away from sins.

The person who reads the time of İhlas 50 times every day is forgiven for 50 years of sin.

For the person who reads the Surah Ihlas 200 times every day, Allah writes 1500 deeds.

Lay on the right side and read the ihlas three times at night will enter heaven from the right side in the Hereafter.

The punishment of the hell of the person who reads 1000 surah of ihlas will disappear.

70 thousand martyrs are given to someone who reads the time of İhlas 20 times a day.

After the morning prayer, all the wishes of the reader of the Ihlas 100 times without getting up.

Whoever reads 20 times after the evening prayer, God forgives all his sins.

Whoever reads the surahs of İhlas and Fatiha too much, Allah saves the intellectuality. It gives bolluk expands its sustenance.

İhlas Suresi Anlamı

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