How do we become a beggar

Beggars are often people who want unrequited money from people instead of working. A beggar's earnings can exceed someone who works with a minimum wage.

To become a beggar, you must first have a feature that will pity people and exploit their emotions. For example, cut your leg, bend your arm in reverse. So the people passing give you money when you see you.

Choose crowded streets to beg. Especially on Fridays or Ramadan you will have plenty of earnings. You can wait on Fridays in front of the mosque. This is also quite profitable.

If you make the right sentences while begging, you can threaten people and make more practical money.

Begging Sentence Examples:

"God forbid your child"

"I hope nothing will happen to your child"

"God forbid the beautiful girl next to you, don't separate you"

"God should not give you disastrous accidents"

When people say these types of words, people start to think and start to fear themselves before mercy and give you money to escape their fears. So they think that their future will be better.

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