What is Anadolu Technical High School and Normal High School Difference

Which high school how many years

Anatolian technical high schools compared to other Anatolian and straight high schools. It is necessary to study for 5 years to graduate from the department (there are preparatory courses in the first year). In Anatolian high schools, he graduates at 4 years.

Advantages of Anadolu Technical High School Reading

1- Learning the profession as superior to normal high school

2- It is more likely to win university as superior to vocational high school. Because they see all lessons such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, literature.

3- Anatolian high school has English because it is.

4- There are no vocational courses in the first year.

5- It can change high school when switching to the second class.

6- They easily enter two-year universities. A little bit of work for 4 years is enough.

Negative aspects of Anadolu Technical High School Read

1- They read more than a year because they read preparation. He graduated in 5 years.

2-Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Literature Desleri's grades should not be less than 3.

3- The lessons are heavy, therefore it is difficult for students who do not like to work.

4- Since both profession and normal lessons take the school at the latest in the evening.

The easiest explanation is easier to win a four -year university from Anadolu Technical High Schools and it is much easier to win two -year departments.

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