How many years of longest life

There is no time for life. Every human being survives as his recognized time in his own life line.

According to our religious belief, a person's life is seen from 60-70 years, and it is in those who live longer or shorter than that. A person can never know how much to live according to any prediction. The most accurate one is not to know when you think that you will die. For death, the promise of the teachers often says that when the person dies, everyone who is Muslim believes in death.

The longest living person in the world: Jeanne Calment is French (1875? 1997), died at the age of 122.

This day is still alive when we are still alive to evaluate the time given to us.

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2013-07-01 11:38:17 YaşamÖmürGençliğin Sırrı