Which diseases causes excess weight

Obesity is the beginning of many diseases.

The most common disease known with obesity is known as sugar. But obesity sugar, hernia, cholesterol, anemia, cardiovascular diseases, muscle diseases, etc. As a result of research conducted in the world, as a result of research on the world is no longer a disease in its own obesity, and if left untreated, experts warn the patients that the results will reach a conclusion that may threaten their lives for the patient.

Paying diseases of obesity

1) Blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases

2) Respiratory system diseases

3) Piskological diseases

4) Endocrine Diseases

5) muscular system diseases

6) Skin Diseases

7) liver and other internal organ lubrications

8) Cancer

What needs to be done to prevent obesity

1) Healthy eating

2) Sports

3) Receiving less calories than spent,

4) To pay attention to protein and carbohydrate taken into the body.

5) The acceptance of obesity as a disease

6) Not to forget that weakening is an important condition for the standard of living

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