Why is Istanbul crowded?

Istanbul is the most important reason why it is crowded compared to other provinces. Almost all major business companies are in Istanbul. Since health services that do not develop in other provinces, state affairs are advanced in Istanbul, people migrated to Istanbul to live more easily and to make money. Because of these migrations, Istanbul has become a crowded province.

Istanbul, which is the most immigrated city, is home to 17 million people. According to the data of the Turkish Statistical Institute, the distribution of population according to their hometowns of living in Istanbul is as follows.

Adana: 72.652
Adıyaman: 149.059
Afyonkarahisar: 51.458
Pain: 131.230
Amasya: 164.031
Ankara: 81.469
Antalya: 37.954
Artvin: 79.462
Aydın: 23.362
Balıkesir: 92.066
Bilecik: 35.638
Bingöl: 118.370
Bitlis: 173.323
Bolu: 62.794
BURDUR: 7.767
Bursa: 90.002
Çankırı : 156.450
Çanakkale: 73.519
Çorum: 162.154
Denizli: 25.914
Diyarbakır: 166.611
Edirne: 106.274
Elazığ: 133.417
Erzincan: 294.082
Erzurum: 347.488
Eskişehir: 50.336
Gaziantep: 70.935
Giresun: 474.313
Gümüşhane: 134.085
Hakkari: 7.165
Hatay: 75.223
Isparta: 51.792
Mersin: 47.324
Istanbul: 2,167.873
Izmir: 57.642
Kars 248.274
Kastamonu: 534.409
Kayseri: 143.874
Kırklareli: 116.658
Kırşehir: 41.022
Kocaeli: 53.039
Konya: 139.559
Kütahya: 25.901
Malatya: 369.011
Manisa: 39.309
Kahramanmaraş: 86.572
Mardin: 179.903
Muğla: 11.822
mush: 111.761 > Nevşehir: 81.603
Niğde: 79.966
Army: 480.614
Rize: 286.302
Sakarya: 130.158
Samsun: 393.285
Siirt: 187.536
Sinop: 355.795
Sivas Sivas Sivas : 709.517
Tekirdağ: 114.414
Tokat: 426.246
Trabzon: 368.027
Tunceli: 82.335
Şanlıurfa: 97.942
butler: 19.173
Van: 131.268
Yozgat: 125.571
zonguldak: 107.501

Aksaray: 40.433
Bayburt: 112.368
Karaman: 23.424
Kırıkkale: 31.625
Batman: 107.867
Şırnak: 26.599
Bartın: 90.825

Ardahan: 224.498
Iğdır: 77.038
Yalova: 19.864
Karabük: 91.247
Kilis: 35.037
Osmaniye: 25.420
Düzce: 44.938

Istanbul neden kalabalık

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