What are the causes and treatment of rheumatism

Rheumatism is the general name of all diseases that affect the tissues that surround the bones and joints.

Rheumatism in short: Painful disease in muscles or joints.

English is written in the form of rheumatism.

There are two symptoms of rheumatism. When the joints make an opposite movement, pain or continuous pain in the form of pain. The cause of continuous pain may be an inflamed disorder.

Causes of rheumatism; Genetic effects, ie genes passing by parents. As a result of the weight of fat with obesity, the joints are loaded, the obstruction of the vessels with extreme unbalanced nutrition and the enough nutrients to the muscles.

Rheumatism is not a special disease for older people, which can be in every human and different ages. But more rheumatism is seen in women.

Rheumatism treatments aim to reduce pain rather than treating the disease and accelerate the healing process by resting the patient. Rheumatism does not heal easily unless the environment that causes the disease does not change.

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