What are the causes of abdominal pain

organs that can cause pain

The pain on your abdomen may be for several different reasons, the "stomach, pancreas, kidney, intestine" on the left side and the "lung" organs above can cause this pain.

Trust problems: There may be a digestive system problem caused by indigestion. In particular, the gas in the intestines can pain in many different ways.

Important Problems: Kidney stone or kidney problems may be giving pain, especially the pain that is close to the back is likely to have kidney pain. In addition, stomach problems that start with stomach burns may also cause pain.

A problem that may be in a thin and large intestine may cause pain, and constipation or gas jam also causes pain, and intestinal knotting in this area may also be seen. Although the muscle structure in the abdomen is very rare, it may cause pain.

In women who are likely to have pregnancy, although rare, some pain may occur in this region.

Some virus diseases may also cause regional pain.

In addition, cancer types such as pancreas cancer and intestinal cancer also cause pain. In some cases, the disease does not cause much pain in the first stages, but over time the pain is exacerbated.

It can be dangerous if there is continuous pain

A pain may not always be important, but if you are experiencing a continuous pain, especially if the pain continues even though it continues for a week, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Even if the amount of pain is low, do not forget to go to the doctor in case of continuous pain. Because continuous pain can be the beginning of a serious problem. Early diagnosis and treatment provides easily treatment in many diseases.

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