Milat is called the time of the birth of Jesus. The date of birth of the name is not fully certain, the date of the birth of Jesus is called. (M.S) is called.
Christians are said to be sacred as a sacred birth.
Instead of M.Ö or
M.S instead of M.S is called i.s
ie Before and after the Jesus is said to be.
Some important dates before Christ
Prior to Christ (BC) 4241 The first year when the events began to be recorded.
Prior to Christ (BC) 2630 İmhotep Msır Pharaoh is brought to Pharaoh with the task of physician.
Break before Christ (BC) 551 Philosopher Confiches.
BC (BC) 399 Greek philosopher Socrates' death date.
Prior to Christ (BC) 387 PLOTAN, ATINADADA AKEDEMIA `s.
Prior to Christ (BC) 335 Aristotle writes books about nature and the universe.
Before the Christ (BC) 287 Mathematician and inventor Arkhimedes were born.
Age before Christ
1-First Age: It is the age that started with the presence of the Sumerians in 4000-3000 years.
2 -Age Age: It is for the conquest of Istanbulu of Fatih Sultan Mehmet.
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