What to do on the first meeting

According to the relationship experts, kissing is not recommended to kiss at the first meeting. In terms of the social values ​​we exist, this is unfortunately not compliance. The perspectives and values ​​of you or the person in front of you may be different. However, we do not recommend kissing on the first meeting in order not to take risks. Waiting is a healthy process in the relationship.

While a woman's kissing on the first meeting may be an indication of lightness, while a man kissing at the first meeting may be an indication of rudeness. Unfortunately, this is a common belief.

We are aware of the tension and excitement created by the first meeting. For this reason, we think it would be useful to give you a few tips.

What to do before the meeting;

1. Take care of your appearance: Try to be clean, simple and stylish. Do not go with heavy makeup, exaggerated hair and excessive perfume smell. You will try not to give the image for you to the other person, as well as a pespaya image that will make him feel worthless.

2. Try to relax: You may be afraid to say or do something wrong. You may feel anxiety by thinking that your hand will walk around your feet. Calm yourself and say your motivated words. Remember, you are special and valuable. Of course, mishaps may occur in the meeting, but promise yourself that you will not focus on these setbacks. You can listen to beautiful music before the meeting to relax and drink herbal tea to relax.

3. Get out of the house to go to the meeting on time: No one wants to wait for someone at the first meeting or at any time. So stay loyal to your meeting place and watch.

What should be done and not during the meeting;

1. Look sincere at the time of the meeting: a small smile and handshake is good for starting. Hugging and kiss are the actions that can be done at the end of the meeting.

2. Try to find common chat topics: it is useful not to choose issues that only women or only men can like. This attitude may cause the other side to be bored as it will only be listened to. You can talk about what you do with general subjects such as music, cinema and what you like.

3. Avoid talking about negative issues: put yourself in place of the other person and don't say things you don't want to hear. For example, no one wants to hear the conversations of ex -lovers on the first meeting.

4. Try not to go into special details: Try not to enter into talk about special issues such as family, financial situation. Because such issues are not the topics you want to talk to with the people you have just known.

5. Make him feel comfortable with you: avoid infecting your own excitement and tension. In order to spend your excitement, comfort yourself with words like "I'm fine, everything is very good". Be natural and encourage him to be like himself. A warm and sincere conversation will help you achieve this.

6. Do not go to early conversations for the first meeting: One of them is the subject of marriage, especially in the first meeting is one of the issues that will stretch men. Do not say serious words like "I love you" on the first meeting again.

7. Be good to listen as much as talking: Mutual communication. Provide a communication that you do not interrupt each other, talk and listen to it.

8. Focus on the other person rather than those around him: Focusing your interest in something else may be showing signs that it is bored or tense. (Especially constantly taking care of your mobile phone, looking at your watch and watching the people around him.

9. Do not give much information about yourself: Mystery is a very important factor in relationships. He'il try to solve you, you have to make him feel that this puzzle is not easy. So he will want to know you more. So in summary, play honey in your mouth, don't give it all the jar.

10. Focusing on too much food and too much drink: A woman buried in food or a man who drinks alcohol like water will give different messages to the other party.

11. Be yourself, not someone else! : This is the most important item. If you want to meet again, do not give misleading information about yourself. Especially avoid exaggerated conversations.

In this first meeting with him, you can control your excitement, pleasant pleasant conversations, you laugh and laugh in plenty of love, we wish to be a meeting that smells of love in the air ...

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