What happens if I miss the Friday prayer

Friday prayer is a prayer that must be made in the mosque and the congregation (as a community).

In the early days of Islam, especially the community together and important announcements were made by the Imam Hutbe Friday `s most important issue. But today, Friday prayer has lost its old importance. At that time, all shop owners would leave their workplace and go to Friday, even the door of the workplaces would not be locked.

However, women had to go to Friday. However, many of these pieces have been left today and the mosque has only turned into a place where men went.

Women who do not go to Friday, even though the clergy in this regard, even if women do not come to the clergy, even if they pushed women aside. As a result, women, the most important instructor of the family, tries to educate their child with incomplete information without learning religion.

For this reason, instead of thinking that you will enter the sin because you go to Friday, think to the extent to which your spouse or daughters have entered into sin.

In addition to this, there are mitigating factors for those who cannot quit their job due to their profession, there are some alternatives to prevent you from entering sin because you do not go to Friday prayers below:

1- Going every three weeks: For example, it is accepted as excused by some imams to go to Friday once every 3 weeks.

2- Small Congregation: Some imams said that more than 3 people would be a congregation, so 3 people would come together and make a mitigating reason to make the congregation prayer. Think about it, the journeys used to take days, 3 people who went in the desert can pray among themselves when it came on Friday.

3- Central Mosque Rule: Some imams responded much harder to this business, "the city of the city only in the central mosque in the centered Friday prayer is valid, other mosques are not counted Friday," he said. If we count this rule correctly, in hundreds of mosques in the city, people do noon prayer, not Friday prayers. For this reason, the imams who made the noon prayer after the end of Friday prayers in mosques thought that they were eliminating this possibility.

The meaning of the Friday Surah 9th verse of Friday prayer mentions. "Eyyühellezine Amenu" in the form of the verse, "O believers" is translated as. But later, some imams who did not want women put a parenthesis into this verse and added a sentence by saying, "Except women). However, it is a great sin to distort the words of Allah (cc). If you look at the sura you will see that Friday prayer is the commandment of Allah and it is forced to all believers.

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