Which sign of my sign

Puan: 10 out of 10 | Oy veren : 1 kişi. | Toplam Puan: 10.

Which horoscope is about the date of birth, if you know your birth date, you can see which sign you are from the following list:

Koç Burcum: 21 March - 20 April

Taurus sign: 21 April - 20 May

Gemini: 21 May - 21 June

crab sign: 22 June - 22 July

Aslan zodiac: 23 July - 23 August

Virgo Burcum: 24 August - 23 September < BR>
Libra: September 24- 23 October

Scorpio zodiac: 24 October - 22 November

Capricorn: December 22 - January 20

Aquarius zodiac: 21 January - 19 February


Horoscopes make predictions based on the effect of stars in the sky on humans, there is a star map associated with people's birthday. Accordingly, the date of birth plays an effective role on the sign of the person. With the accounts made by Greek mythology records and superior astrology scholars, which horoscope is expected to encounter what happened in the near future.

Which sign I test yorumlar (12) 2012-12-12 13:04:55, Güzel: 13 , Kötü: 3

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