Who has the right to carry arms

Puan: 10 out of 10 | Oy veren : 1 kişi. | Toplam Puan: 10.

We want to carry the gun by saying we want to take it to our waist. People who have the right to carry weapons due to their job and profession

1-Fahri Representatives

2-members members

3-Light and Sarrafs

4-Putting substance Purchasing and Explosive Warehouse Hunting Rifle Management and Licensed Weapon Repair House owners

5-Bank Managers



8-Slip owners


10-Activity Station Owners

11-Those who sell fuel on behalf of the owners of the Akaryakıt Station.

12-Sigort at least 50 workers employees

13-Poligon holders

14-guards who protect the monuments and monuments


16-Putting item warehouse officers

17-He has gained the status of 17-Mamur and those who leave the job on their faces

18-Over-the-order transactions


20-Orda Union Federation and Confederations Other, Board Member and Assembly Members

21-Less 1 Term Mukhtar who have worked as


23-Those who have worked as a member of the mayor or provincial council for a lesser period ...

Who can get a gun license yorumlar (0) 2013-01-26 10:21:55, Güzel: 0 , Kötü: 0

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