Cup Cake Recipe

Five teas of the indispensable flavors of the cake that you can not forget in a flavor of the cake is easy to eat with the minds of the eaters. The number is certain.

cup cake recipe


2 eggs

1 tea cup sugar

1 tea glass of oil

1 tea glass of milk

2 teaspoons vanilla

1 pk baking powder

1 cup of flour (Flour can be added according to its fluid)

2 tablespoons cocoa

1 pk cream whipped and 2 cups of milk


120 g chocolate


Eggs and sugar are thoroughly whisked as in the same cake dough, then add oil, milk, vanilla, flour, baking powder and cocoa and mix all the ingredients thoroughly. The cooked cake is removed from the oven and left to cool. The cream is prepared according to the tariff. Put from the melted chocolate on top of the top and take it to the refrigerator for the rest of the cake.

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