Top 5 Personal Development Books Sold in Turkey;
1 - Human Engineering/ Nuvit Osman
Human Engineering; Turkey is a personal development classic. The book consists of articles written by Nüvit Osman in various magazines. All people who read the book have won a lot of things from the book. 2 -whom when, where, how, talk/ Lary King You will learn from this book; How you can talk to the society, start speaking, defeating your shyness, humor between speech, impressive speech in job interviews, eight common features of a good speaker. 3 - Effective people 7 habit/ Stephen Covey
Personal, professional, education, family problems based on a last book that starts from the problem based on the node of knot, indicates how to get to the result. He states what you need to do to keep up with the change. 4 - Rich Father Poor Baba/ Robert Kiyosaki
If you think that no information you have learned at school has nothing to do with the real world, this book is on this book where the master writer frequently describes the life story in this book.
5 - Turkish style success
This book indicates how certain people who are Turkish have achieved success.
Best Personal Development Books yorumlar (0) 2013-01-08 11:20:38, Güzel: 0 , Kötü: 0
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