Hair care cures. What to do with burnt hair

No treatment of burnt hair. Perhaps it can be softened with some care creams, but a broken quotation can not be corrected. It is best to cut and shorten the ends and to care for the remaining hair.

The first step of our hair to look properly is the first step of a woman to look well.

In the absence of hair styler, this process was usually performed with a blow dryer. The hair blowing to the hair is given to the hair by giving extreme heat to the hair by contacting the hair by breaking the hair. We have to apply maintenance to our hair to prevent our hair from the hair dryer or hair styles. It needs vitamins to be healthy.

You can have stronger hair with a few care that can be applied at home. We can provide.

Several care cure for your hair to be healthier;

Egg Cimlused Hair Cure

Egg mask, which can be applied to burned and worn hair and you can feel the difference instantly, mix the eggs with 6 spoons of coconut oil. It is necessary to wash with warm and creamy shampoo.

jojoba oil maintenance cure

5 tablespoons of Jojoba oil with 1 teaspoon of rosemary oil thoroughly mixed. To be more effective for this application you can add 1 teaspoon of pecting flower oil. Fifty will be applied to all our hair.

For more hair cure types, which can be applied at home Hair Cure List See our page.

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