What good it is for the hands dry

Although there is a more common problem in cold weather, detergents used, hand soaps, laundry water damage the hands. Especially the hands of the hands with these detergents with cold water causes the hands to dry and crack.

Recommendations for drying hands

  • Hand cream should be applied frequently.
  • Moisturizing soaps should be used.
  • Very cold and very hot water should not be used.
  • Drink at least 2.5lt water during the day.
  • Gloves should be used when doing housework.
  • Once a week with sea salt, massage needs to be massaged.

Natural cures for drying hands

Almond Oil Cure: 1 lt of water 1 teaspoon of almond oil and 1 lemon juice by squeeze this water in this water 15 to 20 minutes to wait and dry. >

Sesame Cure: 1 teaspoon of sesame seed cure and 1 teaspoon of rosehip oil by mixing a bulb vitamin E by adding a natural cure.

Olive oil cure: 1 teaspoon of olive oil with half a lemon juice and massage by hand.

Potato Cure: 1 Potato boiled. >

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