Sıla Zar Karşmışmışman Lyrics

sıla lyrics, sıla songs, sıla hard because I love, sıla lyrics

Since I hardly love

You know why I can't go?

Because it tells the hard
bending lip
Sit right then ask your account
not because I love it very hard to love
good day here is here narrow day? You are here in a good day, why do you lack a narrow day?

smiling life crying life
we are not aware of life passes
laughs life nets life
we are not aware

not because I love it very hard
good day here is here narrow day neden why
why do I understand why?

because it is difficult as you tell
Sit the bending lip
Sit right then ask your account
Not because I love it very hard, since I love it hard
You are here in a good day?
Good day, why do you lack a narrow day?

smiling life networks
we are not aware of the life passes
laughs crying life
we are not aware of life
not because I love it very hard
Good day here you are here narrow day?
because I love it very hard, I love it, because I love
good day, why are you lack of narrow day?

Word - Music: Sıla Gençoğlu

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