How to make a abdominal muscle at home

Perfect abdomen, even when you say a thin waist sounds great. Do not live just apply and you will feel so close to the conclusion, if you only spare yourself 15 minutes a day, you will not believe the change in yourself at the end of 4 weeks.

Ssarkan is only 15 minutes a day to be boxed from the belly, it is very difficult for the fat in the abdomen to melt with diet, no matter how weak we apply with the nutrition programs we apply, we cannot have a flat abdomen without doing a special work for the abdomen.

What we need to do for a perfect abdomen, the belly made in the winter months becomes the fearful dream of women with the arrival of spring, very simple, we can get rid of the fat in the abdomen with a few movements.

The most beautiful movement to operate the abdominal muscles is half a shuttle.

Half shuttle movements are very useful. You can solve the problem of navel melting by making half a shuttle for 15 minutes a day.

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merhabalar kolay gelsin..gunde 15 dakıkalık yarım mekık,4 haftada farkını goreceksınız dıyorsunuz?? sızce 1 ayda duzelırmı dersınız ? baska calısmalar yapmakta fayda var mı karın bolgesı ıcın ? ben calısan bır bayanım spora vaktım kalmıyor calısma saatlerımden dolayı..olumlu sonuc doguracaksa evde 15 dakıka bunu yapıcam.tavsıye ettıgınız baska hareketler varmıdır ?
